Why Bigfoot Doesn’t Exist

Bigfoot is huge these days. He’s a bonafide rock star. The Sasquatch has become a mascot for our times, with major sightings, the first ever on-screen celebrity interview, and a full-length bronze statue in his honor. The big problem is, the Sasquatch doesn’t exist according to mainstream science. Not a single hair on his furry head has been found, and his status as an actual creature has not been scientifically confirmed by DNA or fossil evidence.

Even worse, the modern Bigfoot cult-like following celebrates the very thing that so many scientists say does not exist. But that’s OK. In his own way, Bigfoot is getting what he wants: a lot of attention. All Bigfoot needs is for you to believe in him.

There are those on the fringes of science, however, who know the truth about Bigfoot. They believe that he is just another cryptid like Nessie, the lake creature of Scotland; Ogopogo, the lake creature of Canada; or Champy the Lake Champlain monster of Vermont and New York. These fringe scientists are called cryptozoologists. They study these mysterious creatures, often getting ridiculed for it. Yet what they do is much like what other scientists do in other areas of research: they observe; they investigate, and they try to prove that their subject – be it a dinosaur or a Bigfoot – really exists through indisputable scientific evidence and facts.

But is he real? If you dig deeper into the matter as an amateur Bigfoot hunter or pseudo-researcher, you’ll find out that there’s not much evidence to go on. Most of the “sightings” are actually just people misidentifying other animals that share similar body proportions and behavior. Even if we do find authentic tracks or other physical proof of their existence (which we’re still waiting for), those are all easily faked by human hands.

So, what’s going on? Why has Bigfoot gone from a liberal urban legend to a full-blown pop culture phenomenon? Why is everyone so convinced that there’s something out there when the evidence is just circumstantial at best? Watching the rise of Bigfoot in popular culture reminds me of an old joke I once heard. It goes like this: “What do you call an atheist in a foxhole?” The answer is obvious. The joke’s not funny, but I don’t know what else to say. Why bigfoot isn’t real?

Why Bigfoot Doesn't Exist

I think it’s time we start taking a more constructive approach to the matter. Up until now, Bigfoot research has just been a bunch of wild-eyed, sweaty-palmed speculation about monsters that just aren’t there. That’s been fine for most people who enjoy television shows featuring the Sasquatch and his shamanistic cousin: the Yeti. But if we’re going, to be honest, we need to come back down to earth before our culture becomes completely out of control. It’s time to call a truce and take an honest look at the evidence.

The first thing we must admit is that there does not seem to be any conclusive evidence proving that Bigfoot exists. The initial problem with this line of thinking is the fact that no physical evidence has been found. This bugs some people, who think there should be a “smoking gun”. But to me, this is good news! It means that scientists haven’t found anything conclusive yet, and so they can’t rule out the possibility! It keeps it open-ended!

Reasons why bigfoot doesn’t exist. (From a skeptic’s point of view)

1) No bigfoot has been caught or killed so far and yet we usually find dead animals with ease.
2) All the photographs and videos of bigfoot are not of any good quality so it’s hard to see for sure if it’s really a bigfoot or just a human in a costume.
3) The sightings could be mistaken sightings of other things like bears, people wearing costumes, and/or novelties like changes in temperature that causes nuts to grow on trees along animal trails.
4) Continuing deforestation is causing more animals to move into areas where they have not lived before which is why many people might mistake them for being something new like bigfoot.
5) The “new” sightings might just be a few weird people who read the same books as the other people in their area.
6) There is not enough evidence to support that bigfoot exists (so no autopsy or DNA samples are taken).
7) Bigfoot could be a hoax by someone who just wants attention.

Reasons why it could exist:
1) They are not of human origin and they have been here longer than humans have. There is evidence from rock paintings and wood carvings of people with antlers and shaggy hair being around much longer than humans.
2) It has been speculated that the bigfoot is an undiscovered species of a giant ape that could be a possible missing link between humans and other animals like apes. Yet the supposed ape looks very human with many human features including fingers, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and even hair (hair on the head and arms).
3) Some have said that it’s related to ghosts and other paranormal activity.
4) Many people believe bigfoot is actually an alien living on Earth. The bigfoot sightings have been reported all over North America along with UFO sightings being reported in these areas also. Many people who claim to have seen both bigfoot and UFOs think they are linked together somehow.

And there you have it. Hope you found it an interesting read. please let us know are you a believer or not. I can’t make my mind up yet. It’s a bit too much. I need more proof. I don’t think we have the technology to find these things if they truly exist. I mean, if there is proof, make a documentary. Get on national television and show us all the proof you have. What is with all the hidden stuff? Seems a bit suspicious to me. But it’s nice to dream.

Thanks to everyone for reading. We’ll hopefully do more on this topic later on in the future as it is certainly an interesting one! Any suggestions on what we should cover next? Let us know in the comments! Also, if you like our work and would like to help us out then check out our PayPal. Maybe I should watch some more videos on YouTube. I like it when people are open-minded and willing to watch all sides of a scenario.

Thanks for reading,

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